A Boiler System Buyer's Guide

If your mid-Ohio home has a boiler system, did it struggle to get the job done last winter? With the cold Ohio months already started, the time is now to upgrade your boiler system. Because boilers are built to last for decades, many homeowners have never experienced purchasing a new unit. By following this boiler system buyer's guide, you can select the right heating equipment for your home with confidence.

1. Understand the efficiency rating

The annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) is displayed on all new boilers and measures the efficiency of the unit in converting fuel into heat through the course of a typical year. For example, an AFUE of 90 percent indicates that all but 10 percent of the fuel's energy will become heat for your home while the rest is lost. Be sure to also look for the Energy Star label that's a mark of energy efficiency and satisfactory performance.

2. Choose the right fuel type

The AFUE rating is highest for all-electric furnaces (typically from 95-100 percent). However, this doesn't make this the best option. The typically higher cost of electricity makes these boilers an expensive choice. Natural gas is the most commonly used fuel type for boilers, which will achieve AFUE percentages above 90 percent in high-efficiency models.

3. Select efficiency features

Condensing boilers may cost more initially, but will save you money in the long run. These units condense the water vapor that's produced during combustion and utilize the heat from the condensation. This boosts AFUE ratings by as much as 10 percent over non-condensing boilers. Sealed combustion boilers are ideal for energy savings as they draw outside air right into the burner and all combustion gasses are directed immediately outside, eliminating the need for a draft hood or damper. This reduces any wasted energy to heat your home's air, and there is no threat of introducing dangerous combustion gasses into your house.

For a more in-depth boiler system buyer's guide, please contact us at Joe Behr Plumbing & Heating. We proudly serve homeowners in the mid-Ohio area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Mid-Ohio area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about boiler systems and other HVAC topics, visit our website.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

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