Hiring A Qualified HVAC Contractor -- 7 Factors To Consider

When your home's HVAC system needs to be repaired or replaced, you want to hire a qualified HVAC contractor to do the job. Not every HVAC contractor is qualified, however.

To ensure that the company you choose really is a qualified HVAC contractor, there are seven items to consider:

  • What do your friends say about the company? It's a good idea to ask people you know about any qualified HVAC contractors they have experience with. They can give you their honest opinion about the quality of service they received.
  • Can the company provide references? If the people you know do not have direct experience with a contractor, the company itself should be able to provide references or testimonials of satisfied customers.
  • Is the contractor experienced? If a company has an extensive history in your area, you can infer two things about them. First, it means they have done a good enough job in the past to keep customers coming back and build a good reputation. Second, it means they likely will have seen your particular HVAC problem before, and will know exactly how to fix it.
  • Are the technicians certified? HVAC technicians receive certification through NATE, or North American Technician Excellence. If someone is NATE-certified, it means that they have passed the professional certification exam and kept it current by taking continuing education classes.
  • Does the company have any special offers? Special offers or rebates can save you money without having to sacrifice quality.
  • Can the contractor provide a custom solution to best fit your home? Any qualified HVAC contractor should evaluate your home and HVAC system to determine any specific comfort problems or needs, so they can fix those problems and recommend the ideal HVAC system for your home.
  • Will the contractor put it in writing? Any estimate should be officially stated in writing, and detail the exact work to be done and exact price.

For a qualified HVAC contractor in the Mid-Ohio area, look no further than Joe Behr Plumbing and Heating. We have the training, expertise and experience to handle all of your HVAC service and installation needs.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about qualified HVAC contractorsand other HVAC topics, visit our website.

Joe Behr Plumbing and Heating, Inc. services the Mid-Ohio area. 

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