Mold Is An Unwelcome Guest, Keep Your Home From Being A Hospitable Host

Everyone wants to keep their home as comfortable and safe as possible for their family and friends. With our hot sticky summers in the Mid-Ohio area, one common problem is mold growth. Mold in you home can be more than just smelly and unsightly. It can actually be dangerous for people who live there. In particular, those with respiratory problems such as allergies and asthma can suffer a great deal from the presence of mold. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to reduce mold growth in your home. The key is to reduce the humidity in your home.

Repair Leaks

Any pipes or faucets that are leaking should be immediately repaired. Even a small leak can encourage mold growth. Spills or moisture created in you bathroom should be quickly dried. Also, do not toss wet towels or clothing into the hamper.

Outside Drains and Vents

Make sure the drain line from your air conditioning unit is actually draining outside your home and not backing up into it. In addition, any vents from bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms should vent moisture outside, not into the attic.

Outside Drainage

One place to look at when you want to reduce the humidity inside your home and the chance of mold growth is the ground immediately around your home. If there is standing water from rain or from the drains leading from your home, this moisture could seep into your crawlspace or basement. Make sure you have sufficient drainage away from your home. If you live on a slope, consider installing a french drain on the uphill side of your home, or repairing the drain if it was installed more than a decade ago.

Install a Dehumidifier

Although many people use their heat pump or A/C as a dehumidifier, this is not the best approach. You will use far more energy using your heat pump this way than you will by having a separate system for dehumidifying the air. In addition, you will make your home colder than you really want it.

You can never eliminate the mold spores in your home, but you can control them by keeping the moisture level low. If you have any questions, please contact Joe Behr Plumbing and Heating. We serve homeowners in the Mid-Ohio area with pride.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about mold and other HVAC topics, visit our website.

Joe Behr Plumbing and Heating, Inc. services the Mid-Ohio area. 

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