Whole House Dehumidifiers -- The Best Way To Keep Moisture In Check

The humidity in the Mid-Ohio area can make you and your family uncomfortable, creating a suffocating, oppressive feeling when it's accompanied by hot weather. Alas, comfort may be the least of your concerns when it comes to excessive humidity. Too much moisture in your home's indoor air can cause peeling wallpaper, wet stains on your walls and ceilings, rotted wood and other structural damage to your home. It can also lead to asthma and allergies by nurturing the growth of bacteria, mold, mildew and dust mites.

The most effective way to prevent these problems is to remove the excess humidity from the air with a whole house dehumidifier integrated into your HVAC system. A whole house dehumidifier draws in the air from every room, removes the excess moisture, and returns the drier air. Portable dehumidifiers also remove the humidity, but they are noisy and a hassle to maintain. To effectively dehumidify your whole home you would need a portable unit in every room. A whole house system is a quiet, more elegant way to dehumidify your home, and will keep it at the appropriate humidity level consistently.

According to the federal Environmental Protection Agency, you should maintain a relative humidity level between 30 and 50 percent. By keeping your humidity level within this range, you'll contain the mold and bacteria growth that can cause asthma and allergies, and you'll help keep your home structurally sound. You'll also keep your family comfortable, and won't feel a need to turn your thermostat far down just to deal with the humidity. Compared to over-cooling your home to deal with humidity problems or using portable dehumidifiers, a whole house dehumidifier is the most energy-efficient and effective way to ensure that your whole home stays at the right level of humidity.

For more expert advice on dehumidification in your Mid-Ohio home, contact us at Joe Behr Plumbing and Heating, Inc.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about whole house dehumidifiers and other HVAC topics, visit our website.

Joe Behr Plumbing and Heating, Inc. services the Mid-Ohio area. 

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